GGF Indicator Tests
This is suitable as a joint venture or other commercial arrangement where such tests might be developed for future commercial use with a share of net revenues or royalty is paid to our company.
Once a reference library and GGF ontology exists then design and development of indicator tests can be made for clinical, industrial, research and development use. A list of biological substances which can be assayed for GGF signatures would become targets for an indicator test.R & D testing should produce a list of likely candidate substances where testing by other indicator methods is problematic or unreliable. 2 possibilities are:
- Conventional DNA testing such as PCR/NGS would produce a DNA sequence for a target sequence to investigate possible DNA variants or mutations. The GGF algorithm would then be applied to the suspect DNA segment to produce a GGF motif which would then be subject to an AI based image recognition search engine to seek matches from the GGF database to seek the nearest generic GGF motif to classify the suspect sequence eg an oncogene or genetic mutation/defect.
- A kit or field test kit which would combine existing kits with an added IC chip to apply the GGF algorithm to the sample DNA sequence detected and then upload through an app to undertake a comparison test to the GGF library of GGF motifs to check for a match, to again classify the suspect sequence.
The ideal would be a result that states “The DNA sequence of the target region has produced a GGF motif which is an 87% match to the oncogene XYZ “ Then further testing for that oncogene could take place. Equally viruses are expected to form part of the GGF library and so a test might return a match of X% to the ABC virus etc.