Phage p22
- Name of Organism: Phage p22
- Number of Base Pairs: >2,000
- Name of Gene or Sequence: Gene 9 phage p22 Tailspike protein (Phage spike)
- Author: Mr C Hagan
- GGF Database reference: GGG010TAI
- Link to Cloud databin: N/A
- Category: 2111
- Tag: Proteins
- Comments:
“These images are GGF prints of over 2,000 bases including and excluding white space. Both the whitespace included and excluded images bear a good resemblance to the postulated nascent protein chains as they are generating and provides excellent context for how a shorter sequence probably bears resemblance to protein profiles compared to larger sequences such as the 72,000 Drosophila sequence which seems to bear better resemblance to wing frame.”